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Tag: write_xlsx()

Converting an Excel File to an R file: Optimizing File Size

Converting an Excel File to an R file: Optimizing File Size

Today, I will introduce a method for converting an Excel file into an R file. I have placed an Excel file in a folder named ‘DataBase’ on the desktop. This file contains wheat grain size data, with 96,320 rows and a size of approximately 15MB. When an Excel file is large, you may experience performance issues, such as Excel slowing down during data operations, especially if your computer has limited memory. It would be more convenient to convert this Excel…

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In agronomy research, how to estimate a missing value in collected field data?

In agronomy research, how to estimate a missing value in collected field data?

Here is an example of missing data. There are four different cultivars and I would like to determine if there is a difference in yield among them. I have five replicates as blocks, so the experimental design is a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), and we can analyze the data using one-way ANOVA with blocks. You can download the data using R by copying and pasting the code below into your R script. After running the code, an Excel file…

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