Stepwise Regression: A Practical Approach for Model Selection using R

Stepwise Regression: A Practical Approach for Model Selection using R

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Stepwise selection, forward selection, and backward elimination are all methods used in the context of building statistical models, specifically regression models, where the goal is to select the most relevant predictors.

In this section, I’ll introduce one by one. Let’s generate one dataset.

df= tibble::tibble(
    height= c(86, 102, 104, 99, 97, 97, 109, 104, 99, 91, 97, 99, 107, 104,
               97, 97, 102, 99, 97, 104),
    stem_biomass= c(351.214, 327.133, 263.747, 436.844, 358.629, 400.098, 
                    421.424, 655.545, 367.028, 424.114, 295.702, 558.76, 
                    480.61, 459.416, 291.962, 391.503, 461.778, 644.39, 
                    488.287, 425.033),
    agw=c(30.693, 49.118, 25.473, 29.237, 26.486, 28.547, 24.763, 23.882,
          29.215, 28.785, 28.779, 26.71, 23.864, 25.387, 29.463, 28.609, 
          29.259, 20.889, 27.726, 27.658),
    gn= c(14488, 11556, 10389, 23492, 22889, 20322, 16820, 42889, 17564,
          20569, 15636, 32545, 23712, 30183, 15980, 20807, 20719, 34173, 
          23543, 28911),
    grain_yield= c(2844.291, 2710.761, 2604.396, 3757.808, 2393.898, 
                   3373.228, 4163.714, 6199.606, 2480.774, 3433.071, 
                   2776.903, 5549.672, 5440.748, 4420.801, 2982.743, 
                   3825.262, 4487.73, 6445.997, 4661.089, 4329.462),

head(df, 3)
height	stem_biomass   agw	gn	grain_yield
86	351.214        30.693	14488	2844.291
102	327.133	       49.118	11556	2710.761
104	263.747	       25.473	10389	2604.396

This dataset includes grain yield data, along with measurements of stem biomass, grain weight (agw), and grain number (gn). I would now like to determine which variables are the most critical factors in influencing the final grain yield.

 Forward selection

In forward selection, variables are added one at a time, starting with the one that shows the strongest individual correlation with the dependent variable. Each subsequent variable selected is the one that provides the most significant improvement to the model fit, given the variables already included.

First, I will fit grain_yield with each variable, and check the p-value of each linear regression.

summary(lm(grain_yield~height, data=df))
summary(lm(grain_yield~stem_biomass, data=df))
summary(lm(grain_yield~agw, data=df))
summary(lm(grain_yield~gn, data=df))

If variables are few, we can run one by one, but what if there are 100 variables? In this case, fitting one by one would be impossible. So, I’ll use the below code to check p-value.

p_values= sapply(names(df)[-which(names(df)== "grain_yield")], function(col)
           model= lm(paste("grain_yield ~", col), data = df)
                  if (ncol(summary(model)$coefficients) >= 4) {  
                  return(summary(model)$coefficients[2, 4])  
                  } else {

height: 1.053156e-01
stem_biomass: 1.225464e-09
agw: 2.369808e-02
gn: 5.193683e-06 

The linear regression between grain_yield and stem_biomass shows the highest p-value. Therefore, I will include stem_biomass in the model. Next, I will construct models of the form lm(grain_yield ~ stem_biomass + each variable), fitting them one by one.

summary(lm(grain_yield~stem_biomass+height, data=df))
summary(lm(grain_yield~stem_biomass+agw, data=df))
summary(lm(grain_yield~stem_biomass+gn, data=df))

but, I’ll use the below code.

variables= setdiff(names(df), c("grain_yield", "stem_biomass"))
models= list()

for (var in variables) {
  formula= as.formula(paste("grain_yield ~ stem_biomass +", var))
  models[[var]]= lm(formula, data= df)

for (var in variables) {
  cat("Results for model with", var, ":\n")
  model_summary= summary(models[[var]])
  coefficients_table= coef(summary(models[[var]]))  
  print(coefficients_table[, c("Estimate", "Pr(>|t|)")])

Results for model with height :
                Estimate          Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  -4616.46524 0.016528184544381
stem_biomass    10.52786 0.000000001280972
height          41.02991 0.034541958269213

Results for model with agw :
              Estimate         Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   63.69489 0.94521601282533
stem_biomass  10.48991 0.00000002761506
agw          -20.52979 0.34384107763943

Results for model with gn :
                   Estimate      Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  -784.585874872 0.12100528523
stem_biomass   11.583992403 0.00009429109
gn             -0.008782746 0.77255321232

In the regression analysis of grain_yield with stem_biomass, the predictor height shows the highest p-value. Therefore, I will include height in the model. My next model will be lm(grain_yield ~ stem_biomass + height + each variable), fitting them one by one.

summary(lm(grain_yield~stem_biomass+height+agw, data=df))
summary(lm(grain_yield~stem_biomass+height+gn, data=df))

but, I’ll use the below code.

variables= setdiff(names(df), c("grain_yield", "stem_biomass", "height"))
models= list()

for (var in variables) {
  formula= as.formula(paste("grain_yield ~ stem_biomass + height +", var))
  models[[var]]= lm(formula, data= df)

for (var in variables) {
  cat("Results for model with", var, ":\n")
  model_summary= summary(models[[var]])
  # Extracting and printing coefficients
  coefficients_table= coef(summary(models[[var]]))  
  print(coefficients_table[, c("Estimate", "Pr(>|t|)")])  #

Results for model with agw :
                Estimate         Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  -3834.21681 0.06660764193619
stem_biomass    10.12976 0.00000002242056
height          39.76713 0.04215087183397
agw            -17.26284 0.37908152809412

Results for model with gn :
                   Estimate      Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  -4736.04840903 0.01812754502
stem_biomass    11.33642812 0.00004623727
height          41.43274211 0.03798926318
gn              -0.01182006 0.66585598379

Now, no variables are significant, so I’ll stop here. Therefore, ‘stem biomass’ and ‘crop height’ are likely more relevant to the final grain yield. Let’s run this model.

summary(lm(formula = grain_yield ~ stem_biomass + height, data= df))

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ stem_biomass + height, data = df)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-828.7 -223.5  107.3  224.9  607.2 

               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  -4616.4652  1736.1608  -2.659   0.0165 *  
stem_biomass    10.5279     0.8913  11.812 1.28e-09 ***
height          41.0299    17.8566   2.298   0.0345 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 402.1 on 17 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9065,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.8955 
F-statistic:  82.4 on 2 and 17 DF,  p-value: 1.787e-09

Therefore, the model will be: grain yield= -4616.47 + 10.53*stem biomass + 41.03*height.

Of course, you can perform this fitting process manually using Excel, but using R would be much easier and more convenient. Also, you don’t have to fit the models one by one. R provides code for forward selection. I introduced the above process to explain the principle.

In R, forward selection begins with a model that includes only the intercept. Thus, I will create an intercept-only model.

intercept= lm (grain_yield~ 1, data=df)

Next, I will create another model by fitting all variables with grain yield.

Fit= lm (grain_yield~ ., data=df)

Then, I’ll run the following code.

step (intercept, direction='forward', scope= formula(Fit))

The first thing we need to check is the AIC, which assesses the fit of a model to the data. A lower AIC indicates a model with a better fit. Therefore, only variables with a lower AIC (286.01) will be selected, such as stem biomass. In the second step, with grain_yield ~ stem_biomass, the AIC is 246.02. Again, only variables with a lower AIC than 246.02 will be selected, which in this case is height. In the third step, for grain_yield ~ stem_biomass + height, the AIC is 242.61, and no further variables with a lower AIC are found, so the selection process stops here.

Start:  AIC=286.01
grain_yield ~ 1

               Df Sum of Sq      RSS    AIC
+ stem_biomass  1  25788950  3601637 246.02
+ gn            1  20384602  9005985 264.35
+ agw           1   7443836 21946751 282.17
+ height        1   4088299 25302288 285.01
<none>                      29390587 286.01

Step:  AIC=246.02
grain_yield ~ stem_biomass

         Df Sum of Sq     RSS    AIC
+ height  1    853486 2748151 242.61
<none>                3601637 246.02
+ agw     1    190266 3411371 246.94
+ gn      1     18181 3583456 247.92

Step:  AIC=242.61
grain_yield ~ stem_biomass + height

       Df Sum of Sq     RSS    AIC
<none>              2748151 242.61
+ agw   1    133721 2614430 243.62
+ gn    1     32848 2715303 244.37

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ stem_biomass + height, data= df)

 (Intercept)  stem_biomass        height  
    -4616.47         10.53         41.03  

Therefore, the model will be grain yield = -4616.47 + 10.53*stem biomass + 41.03*height.

 Backward Elimination

Conversely, backward elimination starts with all possible predictors included in the model. It systematically removes the least significant variable one at a time, the one whose absence least affects the model fit.

Let’s fitting all variables with grain yield.

summary(lm(grain_yield~., data=df))

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ ., data = df)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-852.41 -221.25   23.27  277.65  557.77 

              Estimate   Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  -3.865e+03  1.981e+03  -1.951    0.0699 .  
height        4.016e+01  1.831e+01   2.193    0.0445 *  
stem_biomass  1.137e+01  2.047e+00   5.553    5.53e-05 ***
agw          -2.089e+01  2.009e+01  -1.040    0.3147    
gn           -1.932e-02  2.775e-02  -0.696    0.4970    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 410.9 on 15 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9138,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.8908 
F-statistic: 39.77 on 4 and 15 DF,  p-value: 8.134e-08

Grain number shows the lowest p-value, so let’s discard it.

reduced_model1= lm(grain_yield ~ . - gn, data=df)

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ . - gn, data = df)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-835.53 -186.11   81.98  234.98  563.38 

              Estimate   Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  -3834.2168  1947.9588   -1.968   0.0666 .  
height        39.7671    18.0069     2.208    0.0422 *  
stem_biomass  10.1298    0.9983      10.147   2.24e-08 ***
agw          -17.2628    19.0828     -0.905   0.3791    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 404.2 on 16 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.911,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.8944 
F-statistic: 54.62 on 3 and 16 DF,  p-value: 1.256e-08

Again!! grain weight shows the lowest p-value, so let’s discard it.

reduced_model2= update(reduced_model1, . ~ . - agw)

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ height + stem_biomass, data = df)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-828.7 -223.5  107.3  224.9  607.2 

             Estimate    Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  -4616.4652  1736.1608   -2.659   0.0165 *  
height        41.0299    17.8566      2.298   0.0345 *  
stem_biomass  10.5279    0.8913       11.812  1.28e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 402.1 on 17 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9065,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.8955 
F-statistic:  82.4 on 2 and 17 DF,  p-value: 1.787e-09

Again, height shows the lowest p-value, and it is significant. Therefore, I’ll stop here. Crop height and stem biomass appear to be relevant to the final grain yield.

R provides code for backward elimination. First, I will create a model by fitting all variables with grain yield.

Fit= lm (grain_yield~ ., data=df)

and will run the following code.

step(Fit, direction="backward")

Start:  AIC=244.98
grain_yield ~ height + stem_biomass + agw + gn

               Df Sum of Sq     RSS    AIC
- gn            1     81809 2614430 243.62
- agw           1    182681 2715303 244.37
<none>                      2532621 244.98
- height        1    811986 3344608 248.54
- stem_biomass  1   5205677 7738298 265.32

Step:  AIC=243.62
grain_yield ~ height + stem_biomass + agw

               Df Sum of Sq      RSS    AIC
- agw           1    133721  2748151 242.61
<none>                       2614430 243.62
- height        1    796941  3411371 246.94
- stem_biomass  1  16823248 19437678 281.74

Step:  AIC=242.61
grain_yield ~ height + stem_biomass

               Df Sum of Sq      RSS    AIC
<none>                       2748151 242.61
- height        1    853486  3601637 246.02
- stem_biomass  1  22554137 25302288 285.01

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ height + stem_biomass, data = df)

 (Intercept)        height  stem_biomass  
    -4616.47         41.03         10.53  

The outcome is the same as forward selection.

 Stepwise Selection

In the process described above, forward and backward selection resulted in the same outcomes; however, this might not always be the case. In such instances, stepwise selection would be a good option. Stepwise selection combines elements of both forward selection and backward elimination.

Fit= lm (grain_yield~ ., data=df)
step(Fit, direction="both", scope=formula(Fit))
Start:  AIC=244.98
grain_yield ~ height + stem_biomass + agw + gn

               Df Sum of Sq     RSS    AIC
- gn            1     81809 2614430 243.62
- agw           1    182681 2715303 244.37
<none>                      2532621 244.98
- height        1    811986 3344608 248.54
- stem_biomass  1   5205677 7738298 265.32

Step:  AIC=243.62
grain_yield ~ height + stem_biomass + agw

               Df Sum of Sq      RSS    AIC
- agw           1    133721  2748151 242.61
<none>                       2614430 243.62
+ gn            1     81809  2532621 244.98
- height        1    796941  3411371 246.94
- stem_biomass  1  16823248 19437678 281.74

Step:  AIC=242.61
grain_yield ~ height + stem_biomass

               Df Sum of Sq      RSS    AIC
<none>                       2748151 242.61
+ agw           1    133721  2614430 243.62
+ gn            1     32848  2715303 244.37
- height        1    853486  3601637 246.02
- stem_biomass  1  22554137 25302288 285.01

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ height + stem_biomass, data = df)

 (Intercept)        height  stem_biomass  
    -4616.47         41.03         10.53 

Stepwise selection also results in the same outcome. This is because the data size is small.

Here is more big data!!

library (readr)
github= ""
df=data.frame(read_csv(url(github), show_col_types= FALSE))

This dataset contains grain yield data and macro-nutrient measurements taken from different tissues (stem, leaf, and head) of a cereal crop at a specific growth stage. I would now like to determine which variables are the most critical factors relevant to the final grain yield.

We know how to proceed with forward, backward, and stepwise selection.

Forward selection

intercept= lm (grain_yield~ 1, data=df)
Fit= lm (grain_yield~ ., data=df)
step(intercept, direction='forward', scope=formula(Fit))

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ MG_Leaf + CA_Stem + MG_Head + P_Head + 
    MG_Stem, data = df)

(Intercept)     MG_Leaf     CA_Stem     MG_Head      P_Head      MG_Stem  
   76.67000     0.09146    -7.93317     42.77140    -13.04946    8.97255  

Backward elimination

Fit= lm (grain_yield~ ., data=df)
step(Fit, direction="backward", scope=formula(Fit))

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ K_Head + MG_Head + N_Leaf + P_Leaf + 
    MG_Stem + CA_Stem, data = df)

(Intercept)    K_Head    MG_Head    N_Leaf    P_Leaf    MG_Stem    CA_Stem  
    79.7346    -1.3973   20.6184    0.7051   -8.9931    12.3271    -10.7195  

Stepwise selection.

Fit= lm (grain_yield~ ., data=df)
step(Fit, direction="both", scope=formula(Fit))

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ K_Head + MG_Head + N_Leaf + P_Leaf + 
    MG_Stem + CA_Stem, data = df)

(Intercept)    K_Head    MG_Head    N_Leaf   P_Leaf   MG_Stem   CA_Stem  
    79.7346    -1.3973   20.6184    0.7051   -8.9931  12.3271   -10.7195 

In stepwise selection, the model will be grain yield= 79.73 -1.40*K_Head + 20.62*MG_Head + 0.71*N_Leaf -8.99*P_Leaf + 12.33*MG_Stem -10.72*CA_Stem

summary(lm (grain_yield~ K_Head  + MG_Head  +  N_Leaf  + P_Leaf  + MG_Stem  + CA_Stem, data=df))

lm(formula = grain_yield ~ K_Head + MG_Head + N_Leaf + P_Leaf + 
    MG_Stem + CA_Stem, data = df)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-19.704  -8.393   1.044   8.178  30.385 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  79.7346     8.2464   9.669 9.38e-13 ***
K_Head       -1.3973     0.6251  -2.235 0.030184 *  
MG_Head      20.6184     5.1675   3.990 0.000230 ***
N_Leaf        0.7051     0.2606   2.706 0.009453 ** 
P_Leaf       -8.9931     4.3574  -2.064 0.044576 *  
MG_Stem      12.3271     2.9510   4.177 0.000127 ***
CA_Stem     -10.7195     1.6104  -6.656 2.72e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 11.47 on 47 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.7631,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.7328 
F-statistic: 25.23 on 6 and 47 DF,  p-value: 3.759e-13

Now, forward and backward selection result in different variables affecting the final grain yield. Therefore, I will use stepwise selection. According to this method, the magnesium content in the cereal spike (head) and in the stem would be most relevant to the final grain yield.

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