Combining Factors from Separate Datasets into a Single Column Using R Studio (feat. dplyr package)

Combining Factors from Separate Datasets into a Single Column Using R Studio (feat. dplyr package)

When data is divided into two separate datasets, it needs to be combined into a single column. Using R, we can simply combine the two datasets.

I will create a simple dataset.

Defoliation= rbind(data.frame(Genotype=c ("CV1","CV2","CV3","CV4","CV5"),
                              Block="I", yield=c("50","52","55","56","54")),
                   data.frame(Genotype=c ("CV1","CV2","CV3","CV4","CV5"),
                              Block="II", yield=c("52","50","56","58","59")),
                   data.frame(Genotype=c ("CV1","CV2","CV3","CV4","CV5"),
                              Block="III", yield=c("52","50","56","58","59")))
   Genotype Block yield
1       CV1     I    50
2       CV2     I    52
3       CV3     I    55
4       CV4     I    56
5       CV5     I    54
6       CV1    II    52
7       CV2    II    50
8       CV3    II    56
9       CV4    II    58
10      CV5    II    59
11      CV1   III    52
12      CV2   III    50
13      CV3   III    56
14      CV4   III    58
15      CV5   III    59

De_graining= rbind(data.frame(Genotype= c("CV1","CV2","CV3","CV4","CV5"),
                              Block="I", yield= c("62","59","62","60","59")),  
                   data.frame(Genotype= c("CV1","CV2","CV3","CV4","CV5"),
                              Block="II", yield= c("61","60","63","62","60")),
                   data.frame(Genotype= c("CV1","CV2","CV3","CV4","CV5"),
                              Block="III", yield= c("64","58","65","61","62")))
   Genotype Block yield
1       CV1     I    62
2       CV2     I    59
3       CV3     I    62
4       CV4     I    60
5       CV5     I    59
6       CV1    II    61
7       CV2    II    60
8       CV3    II    63
9       CV4    II    62
10      CV5    II    60
11      CV1   III    64
12      CV2   III    58
13      CV3   III    65
14      CV4   III    61
15      CV5   III    62

Now I will combine these two datasets into one.

1) using data.frame()

To explain the below code simply, we are using the function data.frame() to combine two datasets. Regarding the repetition of the text “Defoliation,” it indicates repeating it by the number of times corresponding to the values in the ‘yield’ column of the Defoliation dataset, which is length(Defoliation$yield). Similarly, for the text “De_graining,” it means repeating it by the number of times corresponding to the values in the ‘yield’ column of the De_graining dataset, which is length(De_graining$yield). By doing this repetition, we are taking the values of the ‘yield’ column from the Defoliation dataset and the De_graining dataset.

When you execute the above code, the data will be structured as follows. However, this data lacks an ID. In other words, we need to incorporate the Genotype and Block, which constitute the ID in this data.

new_data= data.frame (dataset=c(rep("Defoliation", length(Defoliation$yield)),
                                value=c(Defoliation$yield, De_graining$yield))
       dataset value
1  Defoliation    50
2  Defoliation    52
3  Defoliation    55
4  Defoliation    56
5  Defoliation    54
6  Defoliation    52
7  Defoliation    50
8  Defoliation    56
9  Defoliation    58
10 Defoliation    59
11 Defoliation    52
12 Defoliation    50
13 Defoliation    56
14 Defoliation    58
15 Defoliation    59
16 De_graining    62
17 De_graining    59
18 De_graining    62
19 De_graining    60
20 De_graining    59
21 De_graining    61
22 De_graining    60
23 De_graining    63
24 De_graining    62
25 De_graining    60
26 De_graining    64
27 De_graining    58
28 De_graining    65
29 De_graining    61
30 De_graining    62

So, I will make a slight modification to the code as shown below.

new_data2= data.frame (Defoliation$Genotype, De_graining$Genotype,
                       Defoliation$Block, De_graining$Block,
                        dataset=c(rep("Defoliation", length(Defoliation$yield)),
                                  rep("De_graining", length(De_graining$yield))),

As a result, the data structure will be organized as shown below.

The reason for including Defoliation$Genotype, De_graining$Genotype, Defoliation$Block, and De_graining$Block in the data.frame() function is to verify whether the two datasets have been stacked vertically properly. If both datasets share identical conditions for Genotype and Block, you could include only Defoliation$Genotype and Defoliation$Block. These two columns serve as variable conditions describing the vertically stacked data.

In other words, if you write the code as shown below:

new_data3= data.frame (Defoliation$Genotype, Defoliation$Block,
                       dataset=c(rep("Defoliation", length(Defoliation$yield)),
                                 rep("De_graining", length(De_graining$yield))),
                                 value=c(Defoliation$yield, De_graining$yield))

   Defoliation.Genotype Defoliation.Block     dataset value
1                   CV1                 I Defoliation    50
2                   CV2                 I Defoliation    52
3                   CV3                 I Defoliation    55
4                   CV4                 I Defoliation    56
5                   CV5                 I Defoliation    54
6                   CV1                II Defoliation    52
7                   CV2                II Defoliation    50
8                   CV3                II Defoliation    56
9                   CV4                II Defoliation    58
10                  CV5                II Defoliation    59
11                  CV1               III Defoliation    52
12                  CV2               III Defoliation    50
13                  CV3               III Defoliation    56
14                  CV4               III Defoliation    58
15                  CV5               III Defoliation    59
16                  CV1                 I De_graining    62
17                  CV2                 I De_graining    59
18                  CV3                 I De_graining    62
19                  CV4                 I De_graining    60
20                  CV5                 I De_graining    59
21                  CV1                II De_graining    61
22                  CV2                II De_graining    60
23                  CV3                II De_graining    63
24                  CV4                II De_graining    62
25                  CV5                II De_graining    60
26                  CV1               III De_graining    64
27                  CV2               III De_graining    58
28                  CV3               III De_graining    65
29                  CV4               III De_graining    61
30                  CV5               III De_graining    62

The data structure will look as shown above. Let’s change the column names to make the data more clear and understandable.

colnames(new_data3)[1]= c("Genotype")
colnames(new_data3)[2]= c("Block")
colnames(new_data3)[3]= c("Treatment")
colnames(new_data3)[4]= c("Grain weight")

   Genotype Block   Treatment Grain weight
1       CV1     I Defoliation           50
2       CV2     I Defoliation           52
3       CV3     I Defoliation           55
4       CV4     I Defoliation           56
5       CV5     I Defoliation           54
6       CV1    II Defoliation           52
7       CV2    II Defoliation           50
8       CV3    II Defoliation           56
9       CV4    II Defoliation           58
10      CV5    II Defoliation           59
11      CV1   III Defoliation           52
12      CV2   III Defoliation           50
13      CV3   III Defoliation           56
14      CV4   III Defoliation           58
15      CV5   III Defoliation           59
16      CV1     I De_graining           62
17      CV2     I De_graining           59
18      CV3     I De_graining           62
19      CV4     I De_graining           60
20      CV5     I De_graining           59
21      CV1    II De_graining           61
22      CV2    II De_graining           60
23      CV3    II De_graining           63
24      CV4    II De_graining           62
25      CV5    II De_graining           60
26      CV1   III De_graining           64
27      CV2   III De_graining           58
28      CV3   III De_graining           65
29      CV4   III De_graining           61
30      CV5   III De_graining           62

The drawback of the data.frame() function is that if the number of rows is different, the datasets cannot be merged. So, in the case above, since the number of rows was the same, they could be combined. This is where the dplyr package comes in as a solution to easily merge data without such issues.

2. using dplyr package

The method mentioned above is quite primitive in terms of R usage. The dplyr package simplifies tasks like the one described above and can accomplish them in a matter of seconds. After installing the package, you can use the bind_rows() function.

new_data4= bind_rows (Defoliation, De_graining)

   Genotype Block yield
1       CV1     I    50
2       CV2     I    52
3       CV3     I    55
4       CV4     I    56
5       CV5     I    54
6       CV1    II    52
7       CV2    II    50
8       CV3    II    56
9       CV4    II    58
10      CV5    II    59
11      CV1   III    52
12      CV2   III    50
13      CV3   III    56
14      CV4   III    58
15      CV5   III    59
16      CV1     I    62
17      CV2     I    59
18      CV3     I    62
19      CV4     I    60
20      CV5     I    59
21      CV1    II    61
22      CV2    II    60
23      CV3    II    63
24      CV4    II    62
25      CV5    II    60
26      CV1   III    64
27      CV2   III    58
28      CV3   III    65
29      CV4   III    61
30      CV5   III    62

The data has been sorted as columns all at once. However, even this data lacks proper ID. In other words, there is no distinction for the treatments like Defoliation or De_graining. So, I will make a slight modification to the code.

new_data5= bind_rows (list(DF= Defoliation, DG= De_graining),.id="Treatment")

   Treatment Genotype Block yield
1         DF      CV1     I    50
2         DF      CV2     I    52
3         DF      CV3     I    55
4         DF      CV4     I    56
5         DF      CV5     I    54
6         DF      CV1    II    52
7         DF      CV2    II    50
8         DF      CV3    II    56
9         DF      CV4    II    58
10        DF      CV5    II    59
11        DF      CV1   III    52
12        DF      CV2   III    50
13        DF      CV3   III    56
14        DF      CV4   III    58
15        DF      CV5   III    59
16        DG      CV1     I    62
17        DG      CV2     I    59
18        DG      CV3     I    62
19        DG      CV4     I    60
20        DG      CV5     I    59
21        DG      CV1    II    61
22        DG      CV2    II    60
23        DG      CV3    II    63
24        DG      CV4    II    62
25        DG      CV5    II    60
26        DG      CV1   III    64
27        DG      CV2   III    58
28        DG      CV3   III    65
29        DG      CV4   III    61
30        DG      CV5   III    62

So, we set the Defoliation data as a new variable called “DF” and the De_graining data as “DG,” and we’ll assign the ID (column name) for these as “Treatment.”

Although the rearrangement of the data is similar to using the data.frame() function, the time taken has been significantly reduced. Therefore, using a suitable package for rearranging data like this is much more efficient.

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